Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Post-Mortems Required for Governments Budgets

I have been searching for information on the Internet on what is actually spent by the Govt of India in comparison to budget provisions. While the 2012-2013 budget has received a lot of national attention, I could not find what was planned to be spent on education and on healthcare in 2011-2012, and what was actually spent. The website of the Controller and Auditor general, India
http://saiindia.gov.in/english/index.html does provide information. But I could not easily find an answer to the question I have raised above.
A mid-year Economic Analysis http://finmin.nic.in/reports/MYR201213English.pdf
gave some details, but again I did not find what I was looking for.

Government documents are not written for a common citizen to read to get an insight to what is going right and what is going wrong. The media have to do their work in providing that information clearly and simply, highlighting what matters most. Do you know of any website that gives us the information I am asking for? Please do tell us how to locate that site.

Srinivasan Ramani

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